

Creating Bridges

Bridges or tabs, are small areas of material designed to hold your work in place while performing cut-out operations on a profiling toolpath. Carveco allows you to automatically add bridges or lets you manually control the number, placement, length and thickness of any bridges you wish to add. You can also edit the bridges you...



The resolution of your model determines the fidelity of any 3D work within Carveco; or in other words, the amount of fine detail that's preserved in your 3D work.  When working in 3D there are many factors to consider, including the capabilities of your PC, the size of the physical part your making and the...

Drawing Vectors

Drawing Vectors

In this short video we'll be showing you how to use the Vector Drawing tools to create Vector lines and Vector shapes. Carveco's vector drawing tools can be used in both the 2D and 3D views. Vectors are the backbone of both design and machining within Carveco allowing you to define areas you would like...



In this short video we'll be showing you how the Snapping tool can speed up the vector design process by allowing your cursor to quickly snap onto a point within your design.