Importing Images
This video covers the different ways you can import Bitmap Images into Carveco.
This video covers the different ways you can import Bitmap Images into Carveco.
Understand the fundamentals of the Bitmap to Vector tool to trace imported Bitmap images, This popular tool allows you to quickly turn bitmaps into high-quality vectors suitable for CNC machining.
The Colour Palette is a useful tool for showing and managing the number of colours that appear in your 2D design work. Having control over the number of colours in your work is especially important when using the Bitmap to Vector tool.
The Flood Fill family of tools allow you to colour vector shapes and vector artwork. This is useful when simulating your toolpaths as it can give you or your customer a preview of a finished painted model within the simulation.
In this video we'll show you how to design a simple plaque using the features of Carveco Maker from start to finish.
Using the plaque design from the previous tutorial, we'll look to machine the project and show you how to make your first cuts using Carveco Maker.
In this tutorial we'll look at how you can import a vector image and generate the toolpath for V-Bit carving.
In this project we'll show you how to add textures to your design and machine it.