The tools and features shown in this tutorial are available in all Carveco products

Smoothing Reliefs
The Smooth Relief tool allow you to clean up ‘noisy’ (rough) relief artwork or sections of relief artwork. You can choose to smooth the whole model, an area within a vector or under a selected colour; all while controlling the strength of the smoothing process.
Why is Smoothing so slow?....
Designing in 3D is a much more resource-heavy task than 2D work and we'd always recommend having a dedicated graphics card to make the process smoother.
It's important to remember that Carveco is a 3D modelling program and, under-the-hood, is optimized to use your PC's system resources in a similar way to video games. So, if your $200 laptop struggles running the latest 3D games, it'll struggle with the 3D work in your Carveco software.
It's important to remember that Carveco is a 3D modelling program and, under-the-hood, is optimized to use your PC's system resources in a similar way to video games. So, if your $200 laptop struggles running the latest 3D games, it'll struggle with the 3D work in your Carveco software.